While your ears will detect the beautifully calming and inspirational tone in Dr. Masters’ voice, there is still more that is affecting you.
Every physical perception has other vibratory levels that are unperceived by your physical senses. There are energy factors on a psychic, ethereal, astral, mental, and mystical level. These usually undetected levels of energies travel through Dr. Masters’ voice into corresponding energy frequencies in your own higher levels of mind and awareness, stimulating them into activity.
Once stimulated, they draw upon themselves in the benefits described on this website. The higher vibrational frequencies in Dr. Masters’ voice is the result of years of going into the higher levels of his consciousness during meditation in which he has personally experienced practically all states of meditative consciousness, which you may have heard or read about in various schools of thought, such as Yoga, Alchemy, Theosophy, Self-Realization, Vedanta, Religious Science, Unity, and Mysticism.
In 1963, Dr. Masters reached the ultimate experience of meditation, Mystical Experience, Nirvana, Samadhi, or Cosmic Consciousness. This experience is a part of what you receive in the vibration of his voice.
The Meditations